Q: If this is a Premium Stethoscope, why doesn't it cost in the hundreds?
A: The answer is simple math, we rely mostly on word of mouth for our advertising which means we don't carry a huge marketing budget. If we did have a huge marketing budget then we would obviously have to charge more for our products to make up for it. But since we don't then we just pass those savings on too you. Sound fair? :)
Q: What if I don't like it. Can I return it?
A: Absolutely Yes! We have a sixty day money back guarantee. This means you can invest in our Premium Stethoscope and take it to work for sixty days to try it out. If it does not meet YOUR definition of quality and value, you can return it and we will refund you. Who else does that!? We do because we know what kind of quality and value we are placing in your capable hands. Try us, we mean it.